Olá pessoal, tudo bom?
Aqui também tem gente que precisa alimentar, além da criatividade, a barriga!!! hahahaha
Então hoje trouxe duas receitas deliciosas pra vocês babarem!!!
Ambas as receitas são do site Bebe a Porter.
Espero que minha nutricionista não veja esse post!
E você, tem alguma receita pra compartilhar?
Hello, how are you?
There are people here who need food, besides creativity!!! hahahaha
So today I brought two delicious recipes for you drool....
Both recipes are from the site Bebe Porter.
Recipe for Caramelized Strawberry.
Recipe for Caramelized Banana.
I hope that my nutritionist did not see this post! hahahaha
Do you have a recipe to share with us?
There are people here who need food, besides creativity!!! hahahaha
So today I brought two delicious recipes for you drool....
Both recipes are from the site Bebe Porter.
Recipe for Caramelized Strawberry.
Recipe for Caramelized Banana.
I hope that my nutritionist did not see this post! hahahaha
Do you have a recipe to share with us?
If you find some misspelling, please leave a comment so I can fix it. Idea here is to practice my writing in English, then help me to get it right! Thanks!
Delícia! Delícia!