quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012

Layout - Botões

Bom dia pessoal!!!
Tudo bom???
Como passaram a semana?
Por aqui tudo bem!!! No Brasil começou o outono e as noites já estão mais geladinhas...que pena! Eu adoro o verão!!! Mas todas as estações tem a sua beleza...
Hoje trouxe um LO super interessante e cheio de botões que encontrei no site Miss Fancy Pants. A autora é a Céline Navarro

Eu adoro botões, e você?

Good morning everybody!
Everything good with you??
How was the week?
By far, so good with me! Autumn began in Br
azil began and nights are already more colder ... what a shame! I love summer! But every season has its beauty ...
Today I brought an layout very interesting and full of buttons that I found on the website Miss Fancy Pants. 
Celine Navarro is the author of it.
I love buttons, and you?

If you find some misspelling, please leave a comment so I can fix it. Idea here is to practice my writing in English, then help me to get it right! Thanks!

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