Boa tarde pessoal!!!
Olha só que fofa essa idéia do site Copy e Paste para deixar seu jardim ou sua sacada cheia de charme!!!
E você ainda ajuda o planeta!!!
Alguém faz idéia do que essas "touquinhas de banho" são feitas?
Grande abraço!!!
Good afternoon people!
Look how cute is the idea from the website Copy and Paste to leave your garden or your balcony full of charm!
And you still help the planet!
Anyone has any idea what these "bathing cap" are made of?
Big hug!
Look how cute is the idea from the website Copy and Paste to leave your garden or your balcony full of charm!
And you still help the planet!
Anyone has any idea what these "bathing cap" are made of?
Big hug!
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